A downloadable game

Project Uruboros

A puzzle/stealth game in which the player must reorganize space and time in order to pull off an impossible heist.

Project Uruboros is a professional development project aimed at challenging my technical and level design skills.

The game revolves around non-standard portal technology that allows the player to change the orientation and scale of the world relative to their avatar.

Over the course of development I expect to grapple with portals, strange shaders, stranger pathfinding, and more.

Project Status: In Technical Development

  • I’m currently wrapping up a round of improvements to portal rendering and the level construction workflow. Look for several blog posts in the future describing different aspects of these systems.
  • The next step will be to implement the mechanics that allow the player to rearrange portals. Once accomplished, I will build a few experimental puzzles and upload a demo.

Development log

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